Thursday, March 8, 2012


Friends are a hard topic for people people to talk about. You have those friends that where in your kindergarten class, that you see once and a while at the store. There is those friends that you only see at youth group that you would not hang out with besides  there. There are friends that you have over and just hangout ............but there is one special type of friendship. I wanna talk about.

  That one where you are so close to them.  Where  you talk about anything. They know you secrets, your fails and you things that make you cry about at night. Where basically you can't call them a best friend. You have to call them a sister.

  I have one of those friends. Her name is kayile. We met 4 years ago. She was 13 and I was 9. She thought I was annoying. I thought she was the coolest person ever! Then she came over one day and we made a foam ship that took three hours. Then it took off from there. We hung out all the time. Shopping, talking, and having fun. We started growing up and having problems. Where we thought are worlds where coming to a end and the tower be built up was crushing down. But we stayed strong. We where there for each other. It was maybe three in the morning and we would chat on facebook and talk and get through the hard stuff. There was so many stuff throw at us. But, we alwas made it through.

Lately alot people are saying they are getting "stabbed" in the back from there so called best friends. So, it might be a while before you have amazing friend. but once you find it you will know. Also, be there for you friends. Pray for them, talk to them. Spend time with them.



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